Sunday, September 2, 2018

PTSD I Grieve

National Guardsmen and Reservists have the same wounds as active duty troops but they come back home without the same support. They grieve just as much but for many, they are also risking their lives as police officers and firefighters. 

Vietnam veterans have been healing from what their service did to them and they know what it is to grieve. Combat PTSD is different from other types. We only know about this wound of war because they fought for everything available today for all veterans. If you have PTSD understand this one message. You are not stuck the way you are and your life can get better. PTSD caused the change in you. Change again!

Live for love!

Coming home after combat should not be more dangerous but it is. Too many veterans committed suicide today. Be alive today to heal tomorrow. You served because you loved this country and those you served with. Live for love now!
UPDATE This was uploaded on 1-2-2012, long before the reports became headline news. The number back then was 18 a day. Goes to show how little has changed and how all the talk about "raising awareness" has been a lot of stunts and very little progress.

Courage and Combat PTSD

This is from an interview I did back in 2012. Same message now as it was back then, learn what you need to know to #TakeBackYourLife
There are many things that keep getting missed when we talk about Combat and PTSD. This is to clear up the biggest one of all. What is courage and how does it link to being "mentally tough" so that you can push past what you were told about "resiliency" training. Chaplain Kathie "Costos" DiCesare of Wounded Times Blog tries to explain this in interview done by Union Squared Studios.

Wounded Minds and Us

As promised, this is the beginning of the videos I will be putting up today. 

While the numbers are not the same as they are today, the message remains the same.

This was the first one I did back in 2006.
Wounded Minds and Us

In 2006 I created this video on Wounded Minds. 

Long before PTSD was in the news, families like mine were doing the best we could to make our veterans lives better. 

Sometimes we failed but after three decades, I'm still married. I still have no idea how other families do it when they know hardly nothing about PTSD. 

I knew almost everything and there were times when it was almost impossible to find hope. 

The key is to learn as much as you can, love as an active partner in their healing and find what works to make your lives better!

This is from my old website, NamGuardianAngel. Go to Combat PTSD Wounded Times to learn more.

The following are for family members.
Why do so many families not know about PTSD or what combat can do until it is too late? Why do so many walk away instead of putting up a fight after they fought in combat?

Here is another old video that I am putting back up. When they come home, it is the job of their families to watch their backs and make sure we get them whatever they need to heal. PTSD doesn't have to win anything! They fought in combat, but we have to fight because they came home from it!

Do you love your veteran? Then fight like hell to prove it! This cuts into their soul and it is up to you to find the one you fell in love with and drag that soul out of hell! They can heal if you fight to get them back to who they are instead of judging how they are!

PTSD Patrol: Have you learned how to drive your life?

Want to take charge of the road?
PTSD Patrol
Kathie Costos
September 2, 2018

When my husband needs my car, I am stuck and usually sulk because the only vehicle I can use is his Harley. The problem is, I never learned how to drive it.

So yesterday, I was sulking because I wanted to do get out of the house. That got me thinking about how a lot of people do not know how to drive their own lives. 

If you do not know how to take control of the vehicle you live in, you are not going anywhere. Pretty depressing when it is all right there in front of you!

You can have the keys in your hand, but until you know how to turn on the ignition, there is no power source. The keys to healing are in your hands, so turn them on!

Here is a short video because I already did two others. The rest of today, I am putting up old videos on healing and what PTSD is. Turn them on and learn how to #TakeBackYourLife and stop being stuck where you are!

guide to take back our life

June 26, 2021 The new site for PTSD Patrol  is up and running. New blog posts will begin there on June 27, 2021. This site will remain up.

PTSD Patrol

PTSD Patrol
It is your life, get in and drive it