Kathie Costos
July 26, 2020
A day at the beach may sound like a good day, but not if you go there right before a hurricane!
You missed the signs in the sky and kept driving. You did not check the weather report. When it is too late and you are stuck in the sand, you could get angry that no one told you it was coming. The thing is, plenty of people were talking about it, but you didn't listen.
There is a storm in you when you have PTSD. Plenty of people are trying to tell you what you need to know but if you do not listen, it is not their fault.
There are also signs that you need to see when it comes to holding a grudge against someone. Maybe they tried to get you to listen to what you were doing, but you just got angry. Maybe they tried to tell you how you made them feel but you just got defensive.
For whatever reason you may think holding a grudge is justifiable, it is probably a bad idea like going to the beach on the wrong day.