Sunday, August 23, 2020

PTSD Patrol Standing By You on the Road

PTSD Patrol
Kathie Costos
August 23, 2020

How much better do you feel on a hot day, after a rain storm comes through and cools things off? I love it when there is a sun shower ending the storm. That is the way it feels when you are in your own storm and someone says, "You are not alone" and you know that things just changed.

The featured video today is "Stand By Me" and there were 2 versions of it. I hope they remind you that fear does not have to be part of your life when you have someone standing by you.

That is what is happening all over the country as more and more people reach out to let you know they survived with the help of someone else, and so can you!

PRINCE ROYCE - Stand By Me 2011

And Ben E King

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June 26, 2021 The new site for PTSD Patrol  is up and running. New blog posts will begin there on June 27, 2021. This site will remain up...

PTSD Patrol

PTSD Patrol
It is your life, get in and drive it